
Menu Sanafit

Fish with nut crust, brown rice, brown beans and mashed sweet potato
Fish with nut crust, brown rice, brown beans and mashed sweet potato
🇧🇷 Peixe com crosta de castanhas, arroz integral, purê de batata doce e feijão marrom


Roasted chicken breast with lemon and herbs sauce, white rice and brown beans
Roasted chicken breast with lemon and herbs sauce, white rice and brown beans

🇧🇷 Peito de frango assado ao molho de limão e ervas, arroz branco e feijão marrom


Fish with nut crust, white rice, brown beans and vegetable caponata
Fish with nut crust, white rice, brown beans and vegetable caponata
🇧🇷 Peixe com crosta de castanhas, arroz branco, feijão marrom e caponata de vegetais


Minced meat with carrots, white rice and brown beans
Minced meat with carrots, white rice and brown beans
🇧🇷 Picadinho de carne com cenoura, arroz branco e feijão marrom


Minced meat with carrots, mashed sweet potato and vegetable caponata
Minced meat with carrots, mashed sweet potato and vegetable caponata
🇧🇷 Picadinho de carne com cenoura, purê de batata doce e caponata de vegetais


Roasted chicken breast with lemon and herbs sauce, brown rice, mashed sweet potato and vegetable caponata
Roasted chicken breast with lemon and herbs sauce, brown rice, mashed sweet potato and vegetable caponata
🇧🇷 Peito de frango assado com limão e ervas, arroz integral, purê de batata doce e caponata de vegetais


[VEGETARIAN] Mushroom ragu with mashed sweet potato, white rice and vegetables caponata
[VEGETARIAN] Mushroom ragu with mashed sweet potato, white rice and vegetables caponata
🇧🇷 [VEGETARIANO] Ragu de cogumelos com purê de batata doce, arroz branco e caponata de vegetais


Mini beef burger with creamy onion sauce, brown rice w/ leek and roasted potatoes
Mini beef burger with creamy onion sauce, brown rice w/ leek and roasted potatoes
🇧🇷 Mini hamburguer de carne com molho cremoso de cebola, arroz integral com alho poró e batata assada


Mini beef burger with creamy onion sauce, white rice, black beans and roasted pumpkin
Mini beef burger with creamy onion sauce, white rice, black beans and roasted pumpkin
🇧🇷 Mini hamburguer de carne com molho cremoso de cebola, arroz branco, feijão preto e abóbora assada


[VEGETARIAN] Chickpea stroganoff, white rice and roasted potatoes
[VEGETARIAN] Chickpea stroganoff, white rice and roasted potatoes
🇧🇷 [VEGETARIANO] Estrogonofe de grão de bico, arroz branco e batata assada  


Portuguese fish, white rice, and black beans
Portuguese fish, white rice, and black beans
🇧🇷 Peixe a portuguesa, arroz branco e feijão preto


Chicken stroganoff, white rice and roasted potatoes
Chicken stroganoff, white rice and roasted potatoes
🇧🇷 Estrogonofe de frango, arroz branco e batata assada  


Portuguese fish, brown rice w/ leek and roasted pumpkin
Portuguese fish, brown rice w/ leek and roasted pumpkin
🇧🇷 Peixe a portuguesa com arroz integral com alho poró e abóbora assada
